Monday, 7 April 2014

Guys, 20 Best Ways To Improve Your Stamina In Bed

Guys, 20 Best Ways To Improve Your Stamina In Bed
Worried that you can’t last as long as you want to in bed, because your stamina is not too good? If so, check out these sexual stamina-boosting tips to prolong your pleasure and keep your partner smiling.

Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 1: Free your mind
If you want to last long in  bed then free your mind from all sexual expectations. Expectations put unnecessary pressure on your performance.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 2: Lubricate well
According to a study conducted by The Journal of Sexual Medicine, men who used lubrication in conjunction with condoms lasted longer in bed than men who did not.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 3: Start with foreplay
Instead of  jumping into intercourse and then getting bored, start with foreplay, oral sex and passionate kissing. Start slowly and you’ll end up lasting longer.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 4: Have sex more often
If you want to great at sex, just keep practising. his will not only make you an expert but will also help build your sexual stamina in the long run.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 5: Masturbate
Before geting down and dirty, try masturbating to learn about the pleasure zones on your body.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 6: Activate your pelvis muscles
One of the most important muscles during sexual intercourse is your pelvic muscles. So, strengthen your pelvic muscles to increase your sexual endurance and to last longer in the bed.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 7: Try squats
If you are a beginner and want to boost your performance, they try bodyweight squats. For a bodyweight squat, you need no equipment other than yourself. If you want to further enhance your stamina then you can also try full squats or one-leg squats.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 8: Bench press
• Lie down on a flat bench, making sure that you are not arching your back and grip the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing your feet, and press the barbell straight up and back down.
• Doing the presses on an incline, will place more emphasis on your upper chest, whereas a decline will place more emphasis on your lower chest.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 9: Lunges
Lunges exercise the same muscles as squats, but lunges make the gluteal muscles work harder to slow your body as you lower down. What’s more, lunges require more stability, which engages the calves and lower back muscles.
• Stand with feet hip-width apart
• Hold a dumbbell in either hand; if desired
• Take a big step forward with your right leg
• Bend both knees to slowly lower your body
• Don’t bend knees more than 90 degrees and keep the front knee aligned over your front ankle
• Step back to start position and repeat with left leg.
• For explosive lunges: jump and switch legs in midair.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 10: Kegels 
Kegel exercise is the best and easiest way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and last longer in bed. Having control over your pelvic muscles, will help you have a stronger erection. You can start by doing this simple exercise. When visiting the bathroom, try to start and stop the flow of urine.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 11: Stay active
To last longer on the bed you need energy and effort. High energy can be achieved only by exercising daily. Exercise is a great way to increase your stamina and boost your blood circulation.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 12: Avoid alcohol
Avoid drinking alcohol if you want to woo your partner and enjoy sexual pleasure.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 13: Stretch 
Regularly stretch your legs and hand muscles to avoid cramps. Stretching is the simplest method to keep your muscles free of muscular pain.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 14: Have enough protein
Make sure you eat good quality proteins, as they contain essential amino acids that our bodies need in order to function. Include protein rich foods like egg whites, low fat milk and milk products, fish and chicken in your diet.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 15: Maintain a healthy weight 
You should try to maintain a healthy weight by taking into account our height and body structure. If you are underweight, consult a doctor or a nutrition expert to help you reach your ideal weight. This can help boost your sexual stamina.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 16: Avoid over eating before sex
If you stuff yourself with good food, you will end up feeling drowsy. So avoid overeating, if you want to have great sex.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 17: Eat a balanced diet
To build your sexual stamina, don’t just rely on foreplay, you also need to watch what you eat. Include a well-balanced diet by adding low-fat products, plenty of fruits and vegetables and lean meat. This will help your body stay healthy and increase both your physical and mental stamina.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 18: Improve blood circulation
For a better and longer erection, it is important to have good circulation. Get a nice massage from your partner, the sensual touches will not only improve blood flow but also release sex hormones.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 19: Sleep well
For increased sexual stamina it is important that you are not sleep deprived. Always focus on better sleep first rather than better sex. If you focus on better sex first, you might ruin the process as lack of sleep can be a major libido killer.
Best Way to Last Longer in Bed # 20: Avoid stress
Stress can put a dampener on things, so avoid getting stressed. If you are stressed, take time to relax and meditate and concentrate on improving your mood.

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